Klára Míčková (CZ) → BirdScape

19:00 → 24:00
  • Projection

About project

People do not need to adapt to anyone and anything, perhaps only to other people. Not all of them can, however, adapt to others. Birds are one of the few species that have been able to find their place, shelter and food in the hostile spaces of the concrete jungle. How do people react to this? In various ways. The artist uses light to point out what surrounds us every day, what we often do not perceive, what has become commonplace. Míčková’s projection of a bird flock which behaves randomly, though according to a pre-set pattern, reveals how the very presence of humans, with our thoughtlessness or indifference influences our surroundings. As soon as people get too close, they scare off the sitting birds. The presence of an imagined plan B is obvious. The artist challenges her viewers to stop and look around. She celebrates patience as opposed to the usual haste. Observation and understanding of the life around us are seen as a substantial part of our being. We must protect our environment, not destroy it.

About artist

Klára Míčková explores animation and simple interactive art. She observes the social aspects of human behaviour in confrontation with interactive elements. She does not necessarily try to make a strong impression at first glance. She wants to reward the viewer’s patience.

Supported by

  • Partner of the installation


  • Partner of the installation


  • With support of

    National library of the Czech Republic